Specters of the Enclave

So lots has happened since I last updated, but in short:

Bruce and I have decided to go all-out on the project and have contacted artists to start work on the game logo and concept art. What’s more, we have two capable programmers writing the game code for us (based on libGDX, Box2D and Tiled). So this leaves Bruce and me to focus on the myriad aspects of game production that sorely require attention that has not been given thus far.

Over the past 2 years we’ve been working on story (which is badass and will blow your minds!) and we’ve delved heavily into the gameplay aspects that had been left vague until recently. After several weeks of intensive work, we essentially have a fully developed combat system (with special formulas for calculating damage received/given based on players stats relative to their enemy’s); we have a much greater awareness of the techne or skills/spells one can learn in the game; we have a much fuller idea of what the mindscape will look like and how one will navigate it; we have the basic map for the demo level (the Water Temple) laid out; and thus everything is falling into place. By the end of the month, we’ll have the logo done, the Water Temple fully mapped out and 99% of all the gameplay nailed down. Of course, we will continue to produce new songs for the soundtrack every month as well. Bruce has also continued to write the dialogue for the game and we may or may not include a text-based demo when we launch the website in October.

We hope to pour all of our resources into a playable demo that rocks your socks off and then disseminate the demo through common fora to drum up some interest. Then we’ll re-evaluate our options and determine whether to go forward with pre-orders, pay-as-you-please, or kickstarter. The tentative release date for the demo is Dec. 31st. Obviously, we’ll be in need of testers prior to release, so I will abuse my friendship privileges and demand that certain parties involve themselves in testing perhaps as early as mid-November.

Expect great things from us!